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Seal & Wax

Seal & Wax & Accessoires for lots of new crafting ideas!

Leave an unique and unforgettable impression with seal stamp and seal wax. How it works? Very simple: look for a cool sealing stamp (in our shop you can get "ready" sealing stamps as well as individual sealing heads, which you then screw onto a matching wooden handle), sealing wax (wax pastilles or wax beads) in your favorite colour. Then you will need a fireproof bowl in which you can put a tea light and a spoon for sealing wax. And finally you can melt your sealing wax. Take a heat-resistant pad (rubber mat for sealing wax), put the melted wax on the mat and then put your sealing stamp on it. As a rule, 2-3 beads/pastilles are sufficient for one seal. Allow to cool briefly and the wax seal is ready, which you can now use for many creative projects. And sealing letters with a wax seal is just one of many options. Decorate your cards with a wax seal, for example, or put an eye-catcher with your favorite wax seal on the wrapping paper when wrapping presents. Decorate your wedding invitations, pimp up place cards with them, to name just a few uses. You will probably think of many other things, right?